
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • CSS
  • TypeScript
  • Automated Testing
  • Node
  • Database Development
  • DevOps
  • Design


  • Romanian
  • English
  • German

Who am I?

Experienced, quality driven JavaScript developer with a demonstrated history of working in the web development industry.
Passionate about developing great user experiences, crafting optimal and extensible software solutions and mentoring the next generations of developers.

Work History

Senior Full Stack Developer at RebelDot, Cluj-Napoca
February 2022 - September 2022
Project: Web application for creating, managing and participating in e-sports tournaments
My Contributions:
  • created the architecture for the client-side react application
  • bootstrapped the client-side project and configured DX tooling
  • helped establish best practices for delivering a high-performance web application
  • created an efficient developing environment with tools that enabled the team of 5 developers to deliver features on a tight schedule
  • implemented complex UI components in a highly reusable manner
Technologies used: Typescript, Vite.js, React, Redux (RTK & RTK Query), Express, Jest
Senior Web Developer at Zenitech, Cluj-Napoca
January 2021 - February 2022
My Contributions:
  • interviewed candidates for front-end positions
  • mentored colleague developers
  • mentored and lead the technical initiative for an internal project
  • was one of the mentors in a successful internship program
  • helped developers from other teams improve the performance of projects they were working on
Project: Social e-commerce platform
My Contributions:
  • part of a marketing-technical team, with the responsibility of implementing the web side of marketing requirements.
  • analyzed marketing requirements, proposed and implemented technical solutions for the web platform
  • implemented the web side of a multi-touch attribution solution
Technologies used: React, NextJS, Node, Express, Jest
Project: Collaborative planning web platform
My Contributions:
  • maintained and extended existing functionalities in a specific area of the application (front-end and back-end)
  • presented our team's work to the wider development team
  • on-boarded developers in the team
  • mentored developers within the team
  • improved unit tests within the codebase
  • improved web knowledge within the team
Technologies used: React, Redux, Jest, Cucumber, Puppeteer, MySQL
Co-Founder & Technical Manager at Quickleaf, Cluj-Napoca
June 2018 - March 2020
My Contributions:
  • analyzed technical requirements for project leads
  • mentored & offered technical guidance within the team
  • implemented and delivered solutions based on client needs
  • interviewed and filtered candidates for technical positions
  • grew a team of 6 developers
  • conducted a successful internship program
Project: A start-up in the food industry
My Contributions:
  • technical lead of an internal application used for data gathering
  • gathered feedback from users in order to understand the way they use the application
  • worked closely with the owner of the business on improving the usability of the application
  • coordinated with developers within the wider team to integrate new features
  • on-boarded developers in the team
  • refactored an existing back office application that had major performance issues (both back-end and front-end)
Technologies used: React, Node, GraphQl, Postgres
Project: Gambling application (Web & Mobile)
My Contributions:
  • added new functionalities to an existing codebase, targeting both web & mobile platforms
  • created design documents for code improvement initiatives
  • delivered on a tight schedule
  • helped with improving the performance of both applications by optimizing the way data was retrieved from Redux
Technologies used: React, React Native, Redux
Project: E-commerce platform for a furniture company
My Contributions:
  • migrated existing Magento views to a React application
  • implemented new features
  • performed code review in the team
  • wrote unit tests for the code
  • on-boarded developers in the team
  • helped with establishing best practices in terms of React development
Technologies used: React, Redux, CSS modules, SCSS
JavaScript Developer at Lola Tech, Cluj-Napoca
August 2015 - June 2018
Project: Website for a motorcycle company
My Contributions:
  • lead the front end team consisting of 4 developers
  • chose the tools to be used on the front end
  • analyzed and transposed client requirements into batches of dev work
  • developed a fast, isomorphic web application - performance was critical
Technologies used: React, NodeJS, Server-Side Rendering, GraphQl, Styled components
Project: Booking web application for airline operator (Mobile only MVP)
My Contributions:
  • mentored junior members in the team
  • implemented new features
  • performed code review in the team
  • closely communicated with the UI/UX designer in a feedback loop
  • wrote unit tests for the code
  • built from scratch a client application (PWA), consuming existing back-end services
  • adopted modern front-end technologies
Technologies used: React, Redux, CSS modules, Jest
Project: Booking web application for airline operator
My Contributions:
  • maintained and developed new functionalities on the front end of an existing web application
  • performed code review in the team
  • made the web application accessible for visually impaired users following WCAG standards
  • implemented Google Analytics using Google Tag Manager to track user events within the application
Technologies used: JavaScriptMVC, grunt, gulp, SASS, funcunit
Data Engineer at TrustYou, Cluj-Napoca
November 2013 - July 2015
My Contributions:
  • created and maintained web crawling scripts using various programming languages
  • distributed processing of big data
  • maintained and generated data reports databases
  • gained a deep understanding of how HTTP works
  • developed the ability to use the UNIX shell and work with a terminal
  • learned the basic usage of Python, Java and Node
  • improved the execution speed of the scraping suite by comparing different HTML parsing libraries and migrating the existing crawlers to use the fastest one
Technologies used: Python, Java, Node, Apache Hadoop, PostgreSQL, bash


Computer Science at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
September 2011 - June 2015
"Tiberiu Popoviciu" Computer Science High School, Cluj-Napoca
September 2007 - June 2011

Extra-curricular activities

Volunteer at JSHeroes, Cluj-Napoca
November 2018 - July 2020
Contributed to the development of the website for a local JavaScript conference, JSHeroes.